To answer your question.
There is no way to upgrade a kernel without rebooting the machine.

My firewall has been up 127 days. Its not connected to a UPS though and the
last three times it went down was a power failure. I use the power failures
(about once every four months) as excuses to do maintenance on the firewall.

The longest uptime I have seen was a 1.2.13 kernel (Slackware) 486 processor
being used as a DNS server. It started up in 1996 and was retired in Jan
2000 when the power supply went. It was two months shy of 4 years.


On Sun, 27 May 2001 15:17:19 +0200, Almut Behrens wrote:

>  On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 11:09:13AM +0100, James Sutherland wrote:
>  > 
>  > LOL! You could try porting the login script my friend has - it tracks
>  > top 10 uptimes on the network, and this machine's position in the
>  > The highest listed is slightly under 203 days, on a 2.0 kernel; no 2.4
>  > boxes listed yet...
>  in my home LAN I have an old 2.0.36 system with an uptime of currently
>  181 days -- seems to have been a particularly stable kernel version.
>  I've had many Netscape Navigators running wild and trying to crash it,
>  but I still always somehow managed to have it survive...
>  This is the system I can always return to when I messed up everything
>  else, but need to get something done. What a nice and warm feeling!
>  And just in case you were wondering: 181 days ago, there was a power
>  outage which my UPS wasn't able to smooth away ;)
>  BTW, does anyone know of a way to upgrade the kernel while keeping
>  uptimes?
>  ... a question, the heart of which only real geeks do understand :)
>  - Almut  (being silly today)
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