And if you do get TechTV and were like me and said, "oh, I'll get the tapes
from someone" when you were running late and realized a bit later that
everyone I knew did that and no one taped it, the show where they visit the
university will air again on Sunday at 5pm and 1am according to their schedule.
Can you blame *anyone* for not wanting Windows? Look at Windows are
smudged and almost impossible to see out of. (Grrr..just a few more days
before I can set up my old Linux box again..waiting for a part..) Just more
proof that some operating systems don't have quite the potential of others..
Maybe a few screen shots will mysteriously appear soon <eg> though I can't
imagine who would do something like that..
(thinking..I'm supposed to be a fan of that show, oops..don't tell ;)
>Last night they did a show from Austin and one of
>the segments was a tour of the University of Texas at Austin computer
>center. They
>showed off one of their main network machines. 132 processors, 5 tb of
>storage. They
>did a close-up of the monitor on the cluster and it was Debian. The guy
>asked if they ever
>considered running Windows and the Professor looked at him and laughed and
>The robotics lab is also running Linux, including their robots themselves.
>Now if I could convince the guys at work that it can handle anything!
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