On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 07:05:09PM +0100, Telsa Gwynne wrote:
> Watching someone in a terminal room. Stuck in floppy. Started machine.
> It went through virus-check. "Beep! This has a virus!" "Oh no!" cried
> the student. "A virus on the computer!" He whipped his floppy out...
> ...and stuck it in the next PC along the line.
<atsr flavour="gripe">
This used to drive me fscking crazy when I worked at my old
University. The business people were really MS-Centric, and the
biz building had the only NT lab. The place was just rampant
with MSWord Macro viruses along with (less commonly) a horde
of other goodies. People would stick one of their (unlabelled)
floppes in the drive, and the antivirus software would go
"w00t!, this floppy is infected with the FooBarfluous virus.
Would you like to..." at which point they would tear the floppy
out of the drive and leave it in the lab.
They did this, of course, so that some kind-hearted individual
could go into the lab, find the (unlabelled) floppy beside the
computer, and think `Hm, looks like someone forgot this
unlabelled floppy here. Well, since it's got no name or e-mail
address on it, I'll stick it into [this computer|my laptop|
my home computer] so I can see if it has any files on it that
would identify the owner and get their floppy back to them.'
And yes, in case you're wondering, more than once our helpdesk
got a frantic call for help from someone who had the only copy of
their thesis on a [lost|damaged|corrupted] floppy disk.
key CF8F8A75 / print C5C1 F87D 5056 D2C0 D5CE D58F 970F 04D1 CF8F 8A75
Yield to temptation; it may not pass your way again.
:Robert Heinlein
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