On Wed, 11 Apr 2001 David Merrill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> FYI, at least here in the States, `fag' isn't considered good usage
> even in gay circles. Some folks use `queer' because they are happy to
> identify as being outside the mainstream and/or a bit odd, but nobody
> likes `fag'.

Hmm... This is still terribly OT, but I can't leave this at no comment.

(For reference, I am in the US. Philadelphia, to be specific.)

Not everyone dislikes the word `fag'. To refer to a certain manner of
dressing/acting/talking/being as `faggy' is in some circles equivalent to
`queeny'. And I've never heard a term for gay transexual men other than
`transfags' (or `gay transexual men', but that is a mouthful. No double
entendre intended...). It all depends on the audience and the intent of
the speaker....

But the use in question was using `faggotry' as a synonym for lameness, 
which I could say is offensive to the disabled folks, but I'm not disabled
or offended, so I won't.

-- A Kozic

     A Kozic        | The way you live without gender is you
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | look for where gender is, and then you 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | go someplace else. --Kate Bornstein

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