An IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is like MS Office. One can
have separate word processing, spreadsheet. presentation, and e-mail
client applications -- but 'office suites' integrate them all together,
so you can put spreadsheets in your memos and such. (not trying to sell
Office or any other brand of application suite, they all have their
strengths and weaknesses)

So similarly, an IDE integrates together your editor, debugger and more.

Both VI and Emacs and all their numerous clones are all excellent
editors, and probably better than you'll find in most IDEs. (especially
once you get past each of their quirky keyboard bindings -- because once
you learn either of these, you can make them do back-flips at your
beckon call).

And there are separate debuggers and other development related tools
available as well.

But there's nothing like being able to step through your source one line
or function at a time, examine the contents of your variables the stack,
the memory heap, change them (or not), make edits to your source files,
recompile, check in/out from source control, and more -- all without
having to switch applications (and have to remember what's the correct
key combination to press this time).

If you're serious about programming, find a well developed IDE. You
won't be sorry.

Rgardless of your choices, they're only tools to help you get your job
done -- if they don't help, don't use 'em.

I'm not familiar with JBuilder.

-- Dennis

Michelle Murrain wrote:
> A related question: I've actually never used an IDE - like JBuilder, for
> example. Do those of you who program alot find those useful? In what ways?
> Thanks!!
> Michelle
> --

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