> Another question: What, in your opinon, is the best open-source programmer's
> editor for linux? I know that many will answer emacs, and that's certainly a
> good possibility - but I'm looking for the following:
> color coding, particularly for perl, java and html/xml (and even SQL, if
> possible)
> paren checking, tag checking
> easy access to line numbers and line number jumping
vim/gvim are good
> A related question: I've actually never used an IDE - like JBuilder, for
> example. Do those of you who program alot find those useful? In what ways?
kdevelop (www.kdevelop.org) ROX :) supports KDE, QT, Gnome, plain C and C++
development..(it has to be tried to be belived)... I've heard good things about
Komodo (http://www.activestate.com/Products/Enterprise/ASPN_Komodo/) for perl &python
development though I haven't used it myself..
Freshmeat has many listings:
Hope this helps,
> Thanks!!
> Michelle
> --
> ------------
> Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
> President
> Norwottuck Technology Resources
> http://www.norwottuck.com
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