Hi Patrick,
Thanks for your help.
My boot partition is before the 1024th sector, I've had this problem also :) but this
was a different problem, since i have trouble booting into Win98, not Linux.
I do have an AMD chip though... the AMD THunderbird, 900mHz. Seems weird though that
it would be because of that... i have no problem booting into linux. it's just that
after installing Redhat 7 i can't access my windows partition anymore. it's like the
system doesn't recognise it as a valid partition, and just hangs when trying to probe
it. like I said i can't even boot in windows through any other boot medium (disk,
cdrom) - bios is set up properly so it's not that at all. can't even get into dos
because of this! because as soon as the boot disk probes the harddrive (even before it
boots up dos) it hangs.
It was a clean disk, I installed Win98 then Linux. Tried the other way around also,
and reinstalling LiLo after installing Windows. Not sure why that didn't work out...
but I don't really want to try that now, because it will mean giving up on my Windows
partition and loosing all my data.
I used both diskdruid and the linux fdisk that came with the installer, and also tried
the automatic partitioner.
For one of my first installations i resized the Windows partition, but it worked fine
after resizing. Only after installing Redhat did it get screwed up.. Other
installations i had enough free space, just made sure the windows partition was first
on the disk.
------------ Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Patrick Ouellet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2001 20:56:21 -0500
>Well I made almost 1 billions dual boot computer and the only real problem is that
>linux needs to be in the first 1024 sector of your hardrive or it won`t boot.
>But I never had problem booting windows after installing linux.
>The only similar problem I saw is with a AMD K6-2 which wouldn`t
>boot linux even if it was on the first 1024 sectors of the HD. But it was a chipset
>bug. I hope your problem is not one of this kind.
>Explain me exactly what you did.
>Win98 was laready installed and you installed linux on a new
>partition made with Disk Druid in the linux install.
>Did you use Disk Druid?
>Did you resisezed a win parition?
>Before installing did you have free space on your hard drive ?
>Give me more details, and I migth help,
>well I hope so.
>Roberta Voulon wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I bought Redhat 7 and installed it on my newly built computer at home. I meant to
>make it dual boot with Win98. Now my problem is that after installing Redhat I can't
>boot into Windows anymore... The partition is still there, i just can't access it.
>Not even when i use a boot disk or the win98 startup disk or the CDrom. When i try to
>boot that way, as soon as it tries to probe the drive, it hangs, and the HD led stays
>> I've reinstalled windows and linux a million times now, in different ways, this
>time using the latest anaconda update, but still it doesn't work. I just don't
>understand it, doesn't seem that i'm doing anything out of the ordinary, it should
>just work...
>> I don't have much experience in linux. Is there somebody who could help me out
>here? It must be a common problem, but nowhere on the Redhat site do I find anything
>about it. I'll ask Redhat tech support to help me out, but I was hoping that in the 3
>days waiting for them to get back to me, someone here would have a quick answer :)
>that would help me fix the partition...
>> Thanks,
>> Roberta
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