On Tue, 27 Feb 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,

Hi Liese!

> I've been using linux for 1.5 years now and it has completely replaced
> my windows desktop.. but..  after 1.5 years i'm really anxious to play
> Baldors Gate again (and discworld noir, and heroes of m&m, ...) and
> since I'm doing a major upgrade (P200MMX->AMD A-900) anyway I'm
> thinking of installing W2K as well..
> So my question is what's the best tactic ?
> - with dual boot (on a second HD) but i don't like rebooting a lot

Dual booting is OK; you don't need a second HD for this, just a partition.
It's best to install Win2k first, then add Linux on top: Win2k's installer
doesn't play as nicely with Linux as vice versa...

> - use vmwarez (wont this be too slow for games?)

vmware, not vmwarez, I think :-)

I'm not sure about its performance: I suspect this will vary significantly
depending on how the game works. Give it a try: if it is usable for you,
it's the best option.

> - use wine (is that suitable for gaming purposes? or also too slow?)

Wine is really aimed at desktop apps, not games, but some games do run
properly under it - as fast, or faster, as under Windows in some cases!

I'd try VMWare and Wine, and see if the games you want will work under one
or the other; failing that, dual boot...

> Using a second pc is silly becoz i only need windows for gaming purposes.
> Second question : Has anybody got experience with the Guillemot/Hercules
> Cougar Video Edition card? This is a 2D/3D video card which also includes
> a s/video IN to watch tv on the pc.. I know that the video part is
> supported on linux but i was wondering about the tv input part..

No, video cards aren't my thing :-/


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