When last did you use wine? I do agree that it is not the best solution
for games, But the latest versions seems to be doing very well with
wincrap software. I play Starcraft all the time under wine without any
windoze partition. I have also run Caesar III and some other proggies
under wine with no problems only thing that ever crashed major on me,
with wine, was IE4. (but I kinda expected that)
Althou I would recommend a dual boot System, all I'm saying is don't
just throw wine away.
Patrick Ouellet wrote:
> Just a little thing here...
> Why do you say you must reinstall Suse when you reinstall windows...
> this can be done without re-installing Linux..
> Corrrect me if Im wrong but all you need is a linux boot disk.
> Once you have re-installed windoze, it always without any kind of warning
> remplace your boot sector, so you boot with your bootdisk
> then issue the lilo command and lilo is re-installed as it was before...
> And for your question Liese:
> I diffenetly suggest a dual boot...
> Wine and VMWare wont do any good for games.
> Another thing, I wouldn't suggest win2k... as it is new
> and also full of good ol' M$ bugs...
> My setup is this.
> Fujitsu 6.4 Gig == Windows
> WD 6.4 gig == Linux
> 20gig data for the two of em'
> I use HD Tray for switching between my linux and windows...
> so each of them have their own boot sector...
> Have fun with Baldur's Gates...
> ( also one of my favorites )
> WolfRyder wrote:
>> I just bought another HD and that's what houses my win product. The NT
>> want's to be "main boot HD" so I let it because LILO still asks which OS
>> you want to boot into. The default is Linux.
>> HDs aren't really expensive anymore so $150 did the trick for a 20GB
>> 7200RPM speed.
>> Also, that way, when windows destroys itself and needs reinstalling I don't
>> have to also reinstall my SuSE.
>> Carol
>> At 11:45 PM 2/27/01 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've been using linux for 1.5 years now and it has completely replaced my
>>> windows desktop.. but..
>>> after 1.5 years i'm really anxious to play Baldors Gate again (and
>>> discworld noir, and heroes of m&m, ...)
>>> and since I'm doing a major upgrade (P200MMX->AMD A-900) anyway I'm
>>> thinking of installing W2K as well..
>>> So my question is what's the best tactic ?
>>> - with dual boot (on a second HD) but i don't like rebooting a lot
>>> - use vmwarez (wont this be too slow for games?)
>>> - use wine (is that suitable for gaming purposes? or also too slow?)
>>> Using a second pc is silly becoz i only need windows for gaming purposes.
>>> Second question : Has anybody got experience with the Guillemot/Hercules
>>> Cougar Video Edition card? This is a 2D/3D video card which also includes
>>> a s/video IN to watch tv on the pc.. I know that the video part is
>>> supported on linux but i was wondering about the tv input part..
>>> Thanks,
>>> Liese..
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