You might want to check out this month's Linux Journal, the focus is on
consulting. There is not extensive amounts of pages on consulting, just a
couple of articles.

The "Cooking with Linux" section has links to a few:
onShore TimeSheet:

There is a gtt (gnome time tracker, I think) that I know of but it is very
basic time and duty tracking. If tt is like gtt, this is probably not

Just a tidbit, but I hope this info helps a little :o)

At 14:43 on Feb 19, David Merrill combined all the right letters to say:

> Hi,
> I'm going to be starting two separate independent consulting jobs
> soon, and I need to find a good tool for tracking my time and billing
> for it. I'd appreciate any advice on a good tool for this type of job.
> I did searches on sourceforge and freshmeat, and didn't see anything
> that looked promising. Any ideas?
> Oh, a nice feature would be allowing for multiple developers who bill
> at different rates. For the first time, my husband and I are going to
> be doing a project together. We'll just have to wait and see if it
> results in a nasty divorce. ;-)

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