I am having trouble getting IMAP working on my home mail server.  I have
had it working on past machines but for some reason I can't get it
working now.  The box is RH Linux 6.2.  The inetd.conf looks ok.  The
hosts.allow allows imapd to me.  But when I try to set up a client for
Netscape (4.7) I get login failure.  I assume (as before that the login
is my normal user password.  So I don't get it.  Any ideas would be much

Some things in the config files are confusing to me in this version of
Netscape.  Like I assume that in the server.general settings that the
local directory can be my old pop3 directory of $HOME/nsmail.  On the
advanced tab I assume the server directory is /var/spool/mail/<mylogin>.
I am not sure what my namespace, public folders and such are about on

If anyone has this up I would appreciate knowing your configuration or
any other information.  I am trying first with just the imap that comes
with the distro.  

thanks in advance.

- samantha

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