Samantha Atkins wrote:

> Kelly Lynn Martin wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, 21 Feb 2000 16:58:14 +1100, "Jenn V." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> >
> > >Correct me if I'm wrong, but 'you don't know of any Lisp
> > >documentation besides what's in the Emacs distribution'? Are those
> > >the missing adjectives?
> >
> > There are _lots_ of good books on LISP out there.  The Little LISPer
> > is a good guidebook, IMO.  (I have both the Little LISPer and the
> > Little Schemer -- they're good books.)  For Emacs LISP, the FSF used
> > to publish a Emacs LISP Programmer's Manual.  Poke around their
> > website, or just drop RMS a line and ask about it.  I'm sure that they
> > still have it, although it's possibly out of date at this point.
> >
> > Kelly
> >
> > ************
> O'Reilly publishes "Writing GNU Emacs Extensions" that covers a lot of
> Emacs Lisp and many useful and wondrous things to do with it.  Highly
> recommended for Emacs hackers.
> - samantha
> ************

In the old GNU Emacs manual, the one with the cover with RMS as Arjuna
riding down scaring away the Bell Guy with a wawsd of $$$ flying out of his
pockets was a good EMACS LISP manual. It isn't too hard to learn. In fact I
still LISP and SCHEME and don't do anywhere as much PERL.  I haven't checked
"Writing GNU Emacs Extensions" and haven't got on their review list. But
somewhere if anyone wants me to dig them up I have extensions to
"dissociated press" which uses the William S. Burrough's cut up technique in

If anyone wants I'll dig up and produce my paper where I state that it is
human computer intervention that works best. I let the machine cut up and
did further intervention by myself and that produced lots of neat stuff.
Well, neat from my point of view..

Have Fun,
Sends Steve

P.S. The Little LIsper is great if you like Peanut Butter and Jelly
Sandwiches! :)


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