On Fri, 2 Feb 2001, Mary P. Wood wrote:
> Would anyone care to share their recommendations on
> favorite books/CDs/online courses/etc. to cram, train, and
> hopefully pass A+ Certification? Also, correct me if I'm
> wrong, but I've heard that it's supposed to say to the world,
> "Hey, I can fix PCs!" while many of the questions deal with
> obscure trivia that rarely helps in the real world (hence,
> the need for the latest book/software).
Dunno about good resources -- I took the A+ certs (Dos/Windows and PC
Hardware) five years ago (and have long since lapsed, but don't care, as
I'm a sysadmin now :) ) and at the time I had been a PC tech for two
years. I remember that the questions were really trivial and random -- and
the one I missed was something about how often you were supposed to clean
your keyboard (yes, really, it was like every six months or so..I don't
remember..I just clean 'em when they need it). I crammed with something
that was at work (I had to take the a+ to keep that A+ certified shop
thing up) and it was basically a bunch of quizzes on a CD, but was
infinitely better than just going in with two years of real world
experience :) I don't remember *what* the CDs were called, though
Sorry to just confirm the rumours of suckiness, there. Good luck!
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