On Fri, Feb 02, 2001 at 04:23:20AM -0600, Mary P. Wood wrote:
> Would anyone care to share their recommendations on
> favorite books/CDs/online courses/etc. to cram, train, and
> hopefully pass A+ Certification?  Also, correct me if I'm
> wrong, but I've heard that it's supposed to say to the world,
> "Hey, I can fix PCs!" while many of the questions deal with
> obscure trivia that rarely helps in the real world (hence,
> the need for the latest book/software).
> Thanks in advance!

I'm studying for the exam bit by bit.  I'm using the "Exam Cram" book
and "A+ Complete Study Guide" by Groth.  Primarily the former.  I can't
necessarily recommend them as opposed to something else because I
haven't used any other books.  They just looked like the ones to go with
at the book store at the time.  If I pass, that will be the test:)
There are two parts to the exam both are around $100.00 each.  The first
is on hardware the second OS stuff.  You should be aware that the exam
is updated and I don't know exactly when that takes effect.  At this
point I think you can still take the old exam, at least I hope so:)  The
OS part covers DOS, Win3.11, Win95 and a little 98.  The new OS exam
will cover DOS, Win95, Win98 and Win2000.  At least that is what I read
some time back.  There are several online mini tests you can take to
gage where you are at.  I don't have any urls handy but google should
pull up a few. 
I'd really love ta wana help ya Flanders but... Homer Simpson

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