Telsa Gwynne:
> I cleaned my dec keyboard out simply by
> (a) my husband demonstrating the necessity by shaking it over me
> (there are times when I could cheerfully hit him...)
> (b) giving it a good rattle myself over the bin
> (c) pulling all the cruft I could find out of it.
> However, I've always been very careful not to spill coffee (which I
> drink continuously) or fizzy drinks (which I rarely drink) or grapefruit
> juice (all the time) over it. I was surprised that coffee is such a
> keyboard-killer but fixxy drinks are obvious, thinking about it. Sugar
> and acid. Wonderful.
Hehe :) Someone once spilled a bottle of Coke into som DEC-server some
years ago. The server continued and reached an uptime of ~400 days
before it sympathy booted together with it's sister.
But DEC keyboards may be washed as well. Someone spilled a glass of wine
in my bf's keyboard at a party, they cleaned it in the shower, removed
the keys, cleaned it again and left it to dry for three weeks (the long
time was because it was my bf's keyboard and the I shouldn't move it for
him. So it was just lying in a corner of the bathroom with lots of dust
for most of the period and should probably have been cleaned again...)
Magni :)
sash is very good for you.
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