On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 01:57:50PM -0700, Wood, Mary wrote:
> > I have a friend who (for some reason) has been working
> > in PC repair for 5 years. He stands by giving keyboards
> > cold showers. I did it to one of my keyboards after a
> > coffee incident a few years ago, and it still works 
> > fine. I wonder if a long, hot, dishwasher ride is 
> > overkill, though ... 
> I've never heard of any of this!  I've been conditioned
> into the general belief that anything mechanical/
> computeresque + water = bad.  You put the whole keyboard
> in water?  Cord, guts and all?

Some electronic devices store an electric charge even when unplugged,
but your keyboard does not. When it is disconnected from its power
supply, it is completely charge-free. Nothing can short when there is
no power. As long as it is completely dry before you reconnect it,
you're fine.

I take my keycaps off and put them in a laundry bag. You know, the
kind for washing sweaters in, that's a kind of netting. Then I throw
the bag and the keyboard itself right in the d/w and run it. On cold

Dr. David C. Merrill                     http://www.lupercalia.net
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                                       Finger me for my public key

A straw vote only shows which way the hot air blows.
                -- O'Henry

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