I'm using Mandrake for Linux, I can boot from Windows 98
without restarting the computer using loadlin.exe, I just need
to shutdown windows and I type "linux" at the DOS prompt.
(maybe a shortcut with the right parameters would work)
My file 'linux.bat' looks like that :
loadlin vmlinuz root=/dev/hdb6 mem=128M
/dev/hdb6 is a linux ext2 partition, I'm not sure to understand
what you mean with "a directory under windows"
> I've used Mandrake for Linux, and I should say, I'm not overly
> impressed. It just installs it in a directory under Windows, and then when
> you need to boot into that, the computer actually shuts down, and reboots
> into that. I didn't like that very much. VMWare is supposed to solve that
> problem, though I haven't tried it yet.
> Lilly
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