I've used Mandrake for Linux, and I should say, I'm not overly
impressed. It just installs it in a directory under Windows, and then when
you need to boot into that, the computer actually shuts down, and reboots
into that. I didn't like that very much. VMWare is supposed to solve that
problem, though I haven't tried it yet.


On Tue, 24 Oct 2000, Nicoya wrote:

> Has anyone played with any of the distros like Phatlinux that install within
> a widows file system?  I have a situation where I can't dual boot, but I'd
> like to be able to tool around in my spare moments in a linux environment.
> So far I've only been able to find distros that run under win9x, but I'm
> looking from something that will work under NT as well.  Any thoughts?
> ~~~Nicoya...
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