On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, antonxie wrote:

> Dear All,
> on RH6.2, I think Inetd is automatically installed and runn...

inetd is a standard unix networking daemon which listens to ports
specified by the servers listed in its configuration file,
/etc/inetd.conf. It is usually run at startup in your rc configuration

> but I don't know whether Inetd would need configuration...and how...

inetd can be configured using the configuration file I previously
specified, /etc/inetd.conf. Generally, the inetd.conf file included with
most varients of Unix (and Linux, esspecially) lists most all options
supported by the distributer. This is accomplished with the comment
character '#'. If you take a peek at your inetd.conf file, you will see
many lines in which the line's first character is '#' as well as lines
that do not feature them. Here's a teeny snip from my inetd.conf file:

ftp     stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/libexec/ftpd       ftpd -l
#telnet  stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/libexec/telnetd    telnetd

This would mean that inetd is listening to ftp requests for ftpd and is
not listening for requests for telnetd. The process for configuring
inetd.conf is listed in inetd's man page as well as inetd.conf's. (man
inetd; man inetd.conf)

> and tell me how to check if inetd is working.... 

Generally, if the services listed in the inetd.conf file are able to be
accessed, your inetd is functional. If they are not able to be accessed,
inetd for some reason might simply not be started. Look for the process
'inetd' in the output of command 'ps ax' or simply use the command 'ps ax
| grep inetd'.

> can i put some html
> files /in which directory?  so I can check it from any webbrowser....

I'm not really sure I understand what you're asking.

Robert Wade

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