To find out if inetd is started, running the following command will show
something like "63 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/inetd" in the output:

  ps -x | grep "inted"

The place to configure inetd is in /etc/inetd.conf. Details about inetd
can be found using "man inetd", but the basics of the /etc/inetd.conf are
that each line in the configuration file specifies a service name, socket
type, protocol, and some other information including what program should
be run to handle the request. When a request is made from a remote
computer for some sort of service on your machine, inetd checks to see if
it has an entry for that service, and launches the program you specify in
/etc/inetd.conf (if the entry exists). The alternative to having inetd
launch a particular service is to have the service started when the system
boots and always running and waiting for a connection (in UNIX lingo this
is called a daemon). The downside to this is that it takes up more system
resources to have daemons running for each service you wish to offer, but
response to requests for the service are typically answered quicker this
way than if the service were launched by inetd each time.

Browse the /etc/inetd.conf file and see if you can make heads or tails of
it. On my Slackware system the file is very well documented, so if yours
doesn't have comments in it then let me know and I can send you mine!

Eric R. Turner

On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, antonxie wrote:

> Dear All,
> on RH6.2, I think Inetd is automatically installed and runn...
> but I don't know whether Inetd would need configuration...and how...
> and tell me how to check if inetd is working....
> can i put some html files /in which directory?  so I can check it from any 
> Thanks
> anton xie

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