Excerpts from linuxchix: 30-Sep-100 Re: [techtalk] Does there e.. by
[procedure snipped]
> In your ssh setup you have to make sure you have X11Forwarding enabled.
> For OpenSSH this is in /etc/ssh/sshd_config ... I think in most
> distributions of OpenSSH it is disabled by default, and you should be able
> to specify exactly what hosts are able to connect instead of the whole
> universe (xhost does some regulating of this also).
If I understand what you're doing, this actually doesn't do ssh
forwarding. It's just plain remote X clients, and will work through
any method of connecting to the X-client-running-machine. (Note that
the above method will allow anyone on the remote machine to do
anything to your X, so only do it if you trust everyone who can log in
to the remote) If you want to do it through ssh, try:
ssh -X -l <user> <remote>
The -X enables X11 forwarding.
Done this way, it'll only allow you on the remote to access your X.
(actually, only that particular ssh connection)
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