> export DISPLAY='server:0.0' This, of course, is only for bash. In csh it would be setenv DISPLAY server:0.0 <forgot that note> -nicole _______________________________________________ techtalk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linux.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/techtalk
- [techtalk] Does there exist...? Samuel Lavenz
- Re: [techtalk] Does there exist...? Olivier Tharan
- Re: [techtalk] Does there exist...? Lyta Alexander
- Re: [techtalk] Does there exist...? Olivier Tharan
- Re: [techtalk] Does there exist...? Nicole Zimmerman
- Re: [techtalk] Does there exist...? Nicole Zimmerman
- Re: [techtalk] Does there exist...? Laurel Fan
- Re: [techtalk] Does there exist... Aaron Malone
- Re: [techtalk] Does there e... Nicole Zimmerman