
> Helena wrote:
>    > /usr/share/mimelnk/audio/x-wav.kdelnk from install of RealPlayer-7.0-7
>    > conflicts with file from package kdebase-1.1.2-33 
> Caity wrote:
>    .kdelnk is a KDE Link file, used by menus and KFM/Konqueror.  It is not
>    critical in any way.  At worst, you'll lose a menu entry.
> Now, I haven't run KDE for ages, but iirc (which I probably don't), KDE's
> mime links are something similar to associations or filetypes under other
> systems.

Yep, that is another use for .kdelnk files that should have occurred to me.

> E.g., waves might be associated to RealPlayer from now on. It's no big deal,
> just force it. If you don't want that to happen, just do a copy before the
> rpm installation, and then restore it.

You don't even need to do that.  Just change the association back.  Like you
said, it's no big deal.


Caitlyn M. Martin

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