Hi,  Thanks very much for the reply,

> .kdelnk is a KDE Link file, used by menus and KFM/Konqueror.  It is not
> critical in any way.  At worst, you'll lose a menu entry.

OK, I decided to go ahead then.

> In the case or a kdelnk file you should be able to go ahead and force it.  If
> you're using kpackage, uncheck "check dependencies" and it will go in.  I
> sincerely doubt you'll break anything.

OK; I'd not heard of kpackage - usually I just type rpm -i ... at the
command line - that's usually very quick.  But I tried typeing kpackage,
and up popped kpackage, and I used that, though I also had to check 
'replace files'  to get it to work - presumably it did the same as if
I'd used --force? 

Anyway, real player seems to have installed OK, guess I will find out
if I have to do anything with any menus or whatever.

> Are you running the Caldera Linux Technology Preview (Caldera OpenLinux 3.0
> eDesktop alpha)?  I noticed that you're running prerelease 3 of the kernel,
> which is what that shipped with.  If so, how well does it all work? 

No, I'm just using red hat linux, but since I have a laptop with a usb
port, I updated to 2.3.99-pre3.  I did try updating to 2.2.16, and
installing a patch for usb support, but somehow I had a lot of trouble
getting 2.2.16 configured properly, and so I decided I'd risk trying a
prerelease.  I have a friend who tried upgrading and tried some higher
numbers (pre8, maybe he tried others but I'm not sure what), anyway, he
had some problems with them, but he said when he tried pre3 it was OK for
him, so I thought I'd just try that.  Anyway, it seems to work fine,
though I only installed it a few days ago, so maybe not enough time to
find bugs. 
Everything seems pretty much as it was before, except now usb works! :)
(and I have to reinstall alsa, which I've not yet got round to; apart 
from that it seemed no effort at all, unlike 2.2.16)

> Also, assuming you are running LTP: Have you upgraded your KDE2 to 1.93
> (Kooldown)?  If not, do it!  It fixes worlds of bugs and does a whole lot more
> than 1.91, and there are LTP RPMs on the KDE FTP site.  Also, have you found
> any bugs in the pre3 kernel?  Have you thought about going to pre7?  

Well, I'm not running LTP so I don't know if the question applies or
not. I'm not even sure how to work out what version of KDE I am running.


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