On Sun, Aug 06, 2000 at 11:53:02AM -0500, J-Mag Guthrie wrote:
> I mean, they're *gone*.  I have to kill wm to quit (mostly, I just don't
> start it, as I know better).  I remember that I was trying to customize it
> and it gave me an error message about the menu, but as this was multiple
> days ago, I have no idea what it was.  I tried to build a simple menu
> (after looking in /usr/doc) so that I could at least run eterm and exit,
> but it keeps not working.  If I can't build a simple one, htf can I make a
> complete/useful one? 
> I'm still new enough to X that I might be able to find a different window
> manager, but I don't want to open that particular can of worms.
> Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.  

It's been a while since I've played with WindowMaker, but here goes:

Somewhere there is a default GNUStep directory, that windowmaker uses whenever
you run it for the first time. One option is to find where this directory is (I
would start looking in /usr/share/, but maybe somebody who actually uses this WM
can provide the exact location).

The other option is to move your GNUStep directory to one side (just rename it)
and then restart WindowMaker. That *should* recreate the GNUStep directory and
then you can just pilfer the menu portions of that directory (sorry -- it's been
too long and I can't remember which of the two directories under $HOME/GNUStep
you need to look in for the menus, but they're called 'menus' or something
similar) and copy them over to your original (now renamed) GNUStep directory.
Then move the old one back and restart the window manager again.

Hope this helps,

Malcolm Tredinnick            email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CommSecure Pty Ltd

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