> > Maybe so. But another issue is that KDE has incorporated a lot of
> > non-KDE-written GPL'd code, without asking the authors if it was ok to link
> > their code with Qt. In essence, forcing their controversial interpretation
> > of the GPL on other peoples' "products".
> And the GNOME project hast included some of the KDE code, thus, the relevant
> programs obviously are part of a chain reaction.
No, you do not need permission to link GPLed (KDE) code against GPLed (Gnome)
The folks at KDE say it's okay to link their code with QT because KDE gives
implicit permission to do so, as they always intended KDE to be linked against
QT. But what Debian is saying is that they're using that implicit permission to
then link somebody else's GPL code against QT, but that should be up to the
author of that GPLed code, not up to KDE.
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