Welcome Keith!
On Thu, Aug 03, 2000 at 12:24:45AM -0700, Carla Schroder wrote:
> My recommendation is don't dual-boot, if you can avoid it. Install Linux on
> its own computer. Trying to do the dual-boot thang adds an extra layer of
> complexity, one that will annoy and frustrate you.
I woud suggest to use a dual-boot machine with Linux and Window$ if
you are just about to learn to use Linux.
I do not think it woud be a big problem to install a dual-boot
machine with Win9x and Linux.
Just don't install it with a Linux for windows - imstall it
seperately on 2 partitions/disks.
If you don't have an unused partition for that use PartitionMagic
or something like that to get some place for your Linux-Partition(s).
I would also recommend you to use at least 2 (with swap 3) partitions
for your Linux system (one for the data and one for the programs.
For swiching between Linux and WinDoz use the Lilo-bootloader or if
you run a WinNT the NT-Bootloader (that is a little bit more
complicatet than the installation with Win9x - read the Howtos for
that...). A Win9x-Partition should be at least optional be included
during the standard installation process (For newer distributions)
so you automatically get a dual boot machine by installing Linux on
a machine where Win9x is installed before on another partition/disk.
Good Luck
Have fun
Eva Fenrich
Fachschaft Umweltschutztechnik
Universitaet Stuttgart
Non quia difficilia sunt non audemus, sed quia non audemus difficilia sunt.
L.A. Seneca
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