Hello and welcome! This is the best Linux list of all. Great advice and
excellent BS ;)
My recommendation is don't dual-boot, if you can avoid it. Install Linux on
its own computer. Trying to do the dual-boot thang adds an extra layer of
complexity, one that will annoy and frustrate you.
If you are limited to one computer, well then ignore me.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2000 2:32 PM
Subject: [techtalk] Newbie in Need of Help!
> First off, hello to all on the list. This is my first post. My name is
> Keith, and I am located in the Depths of the Great Bergen Swamps in
> Western NY (near Rochester, NY)
> I have been wanting to install Linux for ages it seems, and learn how to
> use it in lieu of the WinDoz packages of whatever flavor. For my
> birthday, my better half (Anne, who has put up with me for the last
> quarter-century!) bought me the Linux for Windows package from Macmillen
> Software. This package alleges that it will allow me to install the
> Linux-Mandrake 7.1 OS right in with Windoz95/98 and let me just click on
> an icon in my desktop and switch OS's. That's what it sez...
> HOWEVER, first off it won't install. It makes the Lnx4win directory and
> writes the linuxsys.img file, brings up DrakX, scrolls thru a bunch of
> files it sez that it's installing (this for 4 - 5 hours) but nothing is
> actually copied.
> What I think that I really need to do is to somehow install a Linux OS
> into the second drive in the box (a 1.6 GB Western Digital), but the
> installation package won't let me pick such an option.
> Support? What's that? I got nowhere with their online support site,
> could not even find the package I have listed and have not received a
> reply to my FAX to their support people in a week.
> It was suggested to me by a member of an amateur radio List I am active
> with that i post my questions here. I would be overjoyed if there was a
> local Linux Users Group out here in or near the Swamp, but I have not
> found one as of yet.
> One party on the QRP-L recommended getting the Caldera 2.4 package
> (Thanks Caity!) and another said that I could probably so a direct
> install to the second drive, skipping the LNX4WIN directory and the image
> file (which will just s-l-o-w everything down...), but I don't know where
> to start. Maybe I need the Linux equivalent of the old VW manual I used
> to use, the "How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive, A Step-by-Step Guide for
> the Compleat Idiot..." type of self-help book...
> Any and all advice will be appreciated!
> 73, Wm. Keith Hibbert, WB2VUO, Technical Coordinator, WNY Section, ARRL
> ARRL Life Member, President/Brockport Amateur Radio Klub
> Ph - 716.494.1239
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