On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, Amanda Babcock wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, Lilly S. wrote:
> >Does anyone know of a good website/tutorial and/or books for how to make
> >CGI/PERL talk to a MySQL database? I don't need to do any complicated
> >things right now just add records, delete records, and do some basic
> >searching.
> I love the tutorial on http://www.arsdigita.com/books/panda/. This is an
> actual published book that is available on the web free (he's big into
> open source).
> It does cover some beginning stuff, but the whole focus is on integrating
> CGI/Perl with SQL (the first edition was titled "Database Backed Web
> Sites").
Not strictly true. *Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing*
(available online, above, or in hardcopy) doesn't specifically cover
Perl. The given examples are in Tcl, which runs natively on
AOLServer and exists as an Apache module--- largely because the
author started building his tools before Apache had achieved market
dominance. (It should be noted that he's doing quite well now with
the toolset he started; arsdigita.com is his company. You could do
worse than to work there.)
That said, the book is quite possibly the best overview I've ever
seen of what to do and not do when designing a huge, database-backed
website--- not only programming, but also monitoring the services
necessary to keep the site up. He's *very* opinionated, but it's one
of the better theory books I know on the topic.
Shane R. Landrum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i just wanna walk through my life unarmed
to accept and just get by like my father learned to do
without all the acceptance and getting by that got my father through -AD
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