> Well, I am on a huge learning curve with Java right now, having
never seen
> a piece of Java code before 2 months ago! I have programmed in C
and VB
> for the past year though so it hasn't been too difficult to pick
up... but
> some days I spend 8 hours doing something to realise the next
morning upon
> further reading that it could be done much better some other way,
> can be a bit frustrating! ( This is why I was considering using PHP
> instead, but it's likely other students who get involved in this
> in the future will know Java... )
> My advisor is really good though and understands the whole learning
> problem, which is good for me. Hopefully the curve will begin to
> soon as far as Java is concerned... =)
Yeah, Java is really easy for the modern CS student who has taken
several C++ courses, but without proper guidance OO programming sux.
Glad you have a good teacher! For some reason, my saviour was a UML
book that explained the OO paradigm really well. I will post the
title if i'm able to find it, but i don't have the actual book
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