"Becky L. Norum" wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, Ian Hall-Beyer wrote:
> > If you need to run servlets, why not save yourself all that trouble and
> > build PHP as a Servlet?
> Ian,
> I don't need to run servlets -- I am trying to decide which way to build
> dynamically generated pages would be faster and more efficient.

As far as "faster & more efficient" from a technological standpoint,
it's six of one (half dozen of the other).  In my completely
unscientific internal benchmarking, they're equal in speed, within a few
microseconds here and there, and I don't count that.  (Concurrent users,
single users, etc etc....both equal).  

As far as "faster & more efficient" from a coding standpoint, it depends
on who's doing the coding.  If your group of programmers consists of
Java developers, then let them make servlets if that's what they're
comfortable creating.  If your group of programmers consists of
programmers who are PHP developers, let them do PHP.   If your group of
programmers haven't actually ever programmed anything before, and are
picking a language to start with, the learning curve for PHP is a heck
of a lot faster to get around than the learning curve for Java.  

I don't have any issues with either language; in fact, they're the only
gonna-build-me-a-dynamic-web-site-what-should-I-use languages that I
_don't_ have any severe issues with.  But that's just me.

- julie

| Julie Meloni ([EMAIL PROTECTED])                    |
| Tech. Director, i2i Interactive (www.i2ii.com) |
|                                                |
|      "PHP Essentials" & "PHP Fast & Easy"      |
|            http://www.thickbook.com/           | 

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