Hi there,

I am attempting to avoid reinventing the wheel if such a wheel already
exists.  I have a sendmail (freeware, not pro) system in a small office of
engineers which should not require my manual intervention in order for
them to create mail aliases for themselves on the mail server.  However,
that doesn't mean I just want to open up root and have them all editing
the /etc/aliases file and remaking aliases all willy-nilly. :)

Ideally, I'm looking for some sort of web-based bit that can parse input
into entries in the /etc/aliases file and run newaliases.  Alternately, if
there's a utility out there that does so via e-mail commands from an
account on the local machine, I can build a PHP or javascript web front
end for it.

I've found a widget called aliasman.pl but am hoping to find something
that doesn't require I change the ownership of the aliases file altogether
(as it does).

Thanks an advance for any suggestions you folks might have.

Saska - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.noogie.com/~saska

"He's an affable enough screen presence, but you'd be 
affable too if you could generate a lucrative movie 
career by copulating with baked goods."
        -Paul Tatara on Jason Biggs

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