Try it without the -q15m because this tells sendmail to wait every 15
minutes before sending.

When you uninstalled, did you remove /etc/ and the directory
/etc/mail as well?  (Note: this configuration is for Slack, but make sure
you get rid, or tar-gz, of those files.

Also, if you can remember what you change, undo it. =)


On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, Lilly S. wrote:

> Hello,
> I was wondering if someone can help me. I have over 50 emails in queue
> (from from last week), and none of them are budging. i was trying to tweak
> sendmail, and I think I broke it. I got it to run finally last week, but I
> forgot to put the actual command in the startup files, and now I don't
> know how to restart it. I tried to reinstall the rpm's, to no avail. 
> What am I doing wrong? I'm trying to start it with /usr/sbin/sendmail -bd
> q15m
> i want it to start with every reboot.
> I want it to deliver email instantly.
> I want it to send all the emails in the queue.
> Thanks!
> Lilly
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