There's also the fact that most linux users don't really need support from the
place they're buying the service from, every linux book there is tells you how to
hook up with ppp, cable, and so on. There's also the LDP HOWTOs which are
terriffic (and very comprehensive).
There're also things like kppp and x-isp, and ppp-go (slackware) which make
everything a lot easier. Even in the ppp scripts (ppp-on and such) there're
comment lines that pretty much tell you what you're using.
Funny experience, I decided to cross over from mindspring to a little local isp
that I'd seen advertised on a lot of BBSs (I think they actually sponsored the
BBSs) because mindspring was a pain in the ass and rather slow. I call them up,
get an account with them. Then I ask them for the DNS servers, the woman on the
phone _refused_ to give me them, citing that they used server-assigned dns and
wins and all that stuff (I just found out what all this shit is while setting this
up with DUN, yes, DUN does suck in case y'all haven't had to use it). I stayed on
the phone for about thirty minutes explaining what linux is and why this server
assigned stuff wouldn't work with Linux (perhaps it will with modification, but I
don't know about it). She finnally said that she didn't know the dns server ips,
and would have someone call me tommarow...
Erin Clarke wrote:
> Thanks for clarifying, Robert. I wasn't sure. Its hard to tell
> with text what tone is intended. I've seen enough snarky replies
> on mailing lists that I wanted to help clarify. [=^J
> One thing - at my last place of employ (a non-profit ISP) when
> I was in tech support, we didn't officially provide support to
> Linux users (we did have a few, but not many), but a couple of
> us would always try to be as helpful as we could. But then, we
> generally went above and beyond the call of duty for all our
> users. But that's in Toronto and they've just stopped providing
> dial-up...
> Some ISPs are much more restricted and rigid in the extent of
> tech support provided and the support staff have everything
> in a binder, scripted, so if the problem exists outside that
> then its likely not supported (though they can escalate some
> issues to other technical/support staff), regardless of the
> operating system in question (even if they do support Linux
> users).
> I guess my point is that its not easy to tell from the front
> end how Linux-friendly an ISP may be, which is probably why
> Kathy is asking this list. :^)
> Good Luck!
> Erin 8)
> On Wed, Jun 07, 2000 at 04:14:00PM -0500, Robert Wade wrote:
> > I most certianly was not being sarcastic, I was didn't really know what she
> > was talking about. I'm terribly sorry, however if it came across that way
> >
> > Robert Wade
> >
> >
> > Erin Clarke wrote:
> >
> > > I assume that Kathy meant "Linux-friendly" in terms of support,
> > > not connectivity.
> > >
> > > I'm nowhere near L.A., so I can't help on that issue, but the
> > > reply from Robert comes across as a bit sarcastic, which isn't
> > > helpful. I thought that clarifying what Kathy meant might be,
> > > even if I can't suggest any L.A.-based ISPs who are known to
> > > provide tech support to Linux users.
> > >
> > > Erin 8)
> > >
> > > --
> > > Erin Clarke
> > > SysAdmin-y Type
> > > Doer of Many Things
> > >
> > > On Wed, Jun 07, 2000 at 02:57:19PM -0500, Robert Wade wrote:
> > > > Well golly, all you really need is a ppp friendly isp, and most everyone
> > > > is. If suddenly every local la isp disappears, try mindspring or
> > > > earthlink (oh duh, they're the same now...)
> > > >
> > > > Kathy Hargreaves wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Hi,
> > > > >
> > > > > Does anyone out there in L.A. know of a Linux-friendly ISP?
> --
> Erin Clarke
> SysAdmin-y Type
> Doer of Many Things
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