Hey all. I wanted to take this time to ask you all for your help.
Due to the efforts of many a fine coder and the continual support and
assistance of LinuxChix and OCLUG, we now have an alpha version of our
game Crimson Lust online at
Crimson Lust is a SMAUG based Multi-user online medieval dungeon style
game. Only the first fifty levels are complete and we still have a few
bugs and features to work out. We could really use your feedback and
PS the code it GPL and the game is free.
Thanks all
Shad Young: SP - YoungArm & Associates - http://ns.midnt-x-press.com
Phone: 613.567.3030 Cell: 613.298.2464 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
It's one part stupidity, one part stubbornness,
and the rest just guessing - - Ghandri
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