"Erb, Maria" wrote:
> hi all,
> great list!  I'm new but this is the best list I've ever been on.  Here's a
> question:  I like to code in Allaire's HomeSite b/c of all the nice color
> coded tags (it recognizes php, perl, javascript and other stuff) and other
> ease-of-use features.  But my development platform is php/apache/mysql.
> Does anyone know of a similar type editor for linux? 

There's a list at http://www.itworks.demon.co.uk/phpeditors.htm

I can't vouch for any of 'em, because I just use Emacs.

- julie

| Julie Meloni                                   |
| Tech. Director, i2i Interactive (www.i2ii.com) |
| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                           |
|                                                |
| "PHP Essentials" ... http://www.thickbook.com/ |

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