On Thu, 6 Apr 2000, Elizabeth Fallon wrote:
> Sheryl Weidner wrote:
> > [deletia regarding win4lin]
> Sounds like a dream come true! However...I don't have Windows anymore. I
> reformatted the drive, and now cannot get Windows back on it. Can I use
> Win4Lin without having Windows installed anywhere? If I can, I'll run out
> now and get a copy! :)
> Liz
Well, there's the rub. If you still have a Windows CD around somewhere,
you need it to install Win4Lin. TreLOS's software actually just makes the
necessary modifications to the kernel for Windows to run in a virtual
environment and use the drivers, etc. in Linux instead. It relies on the
Windows CD to install Windows itself. You don't have to have your old
installation, but you do need a non-upgrade Windows 9x CD.
You will notice that TreLOS's licensing notes say you must have a Windows
license to use Win4Lin. This is actually fairly elementary, since 99% of
new PCs come with a Windows license. The important thing is to have a
non-upgrade (bootable) CD for the Windows version you want to run.
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