Thank you for the suggestion!

I downloaded mcam and gave it a test run... 

However, while it's a neat program, it's not quite what I am looking for.

1> The server runs as root and seems to require leaving a terminal window
open. I tried to background it without success.

2> The client also seems to use an open terminal window.

What I am looking for is something that will run in the background, allow
me to specify another user besides 'root', start in an rc.* and
allow linking to the frames in a webpage. (gif/jpg/png)

On Thu, 23 Mar 2000, Lynette
Quinn wrote:

> Pardon this non-technical person answering your post. If I say something
> incorrectly, this is my disclaimer.
> One of my authors is using something that seems to be working well called
> MCAM. He uses it to show me "see, I am writing" Really he just wanted some
> excuse to play with his new toy. I just got off the phone with him and he
> says check out
> He also laughed and said you can read about it in his upcoming book on Linux
> and laptops, but I figured you were looking for info sooner than that.
> Hope this helps,
> Lynette Quinn
> Prima Tech
> -----Original Message-----
> From: GeekGrrl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2000 3:33 AM
> Subject: [techtalk] Linux Webcam
> So... after searching the web and auctions in vain, and ransacking the
> local second-hand stores, I finally come up with a CVideo-Mail Express
> Parallel webcam. Great... this is supported under the cpia driver.
> The driver installs, and loads just fun. No problems there.
> That I need advice/pointers on is the software to actually capture frames
> (or, dream, streaming video). If anyone has heard of anything good or can
> indicate the correct direction to start writing my own script, I would
> very much appreciate it!
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