Pardon this non-technical person answering your post. If I say something
incorrectly, this is my disclaimer.

One of my authors is using something that seems to be working well called
MCAM. He uses it to show me "see, I am writing" Really he just wanted some
excuse to play with his new toy. I just got off the phone with him and he
says check out

He also laughed and said you can read about it in his upcoming book on Linux
and laptops, but I figured you were looking for info sooner than that.

Hope this helps,
Lynette Quinn
Prima Tech

-----Original Message-----
From: GeekGrrl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2000 3:33 AM
Subject: [techtalk] Linux Webcam

So... after searching the web and auctions in vain, and ransacking the
local second-hand stores, I finally come up with a CVideo-Mail Express
Parallel webcam. Great... this is supported under the cpia driver.

The driver installs, and loads just fun. No problems there.

That I need advice/pointers on is the software to actually capture frames
(or, dream, streaming video). If anyone has heard of anything good or can
indicate the correct direction to start writing my own script, I would
very much appreciate it!

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