Snarfblat wrote:
> I appologize if this has been mentioned, but lilo will not work with
> NT. They both seem to want the MBR in an exclusive manner, so you must
> pick one or the other, or find another os manager like System Commander
> (which will play nice with NT).
on this i have to disagree :) LILO *does* work with nt ( i'm currently
using it). if you install lilo to the boot record of the linux partition
and set that partition to be active then lilo does work as well as the
nt boot manager.
it works independant of which os you installed first.
"Real Programmers dont work 9 to 5. If a Real Programmer is in at 9 in
the morning, its because they haven't left from the night before."
Sean Garrett
Crow Data (PTY) LTD