Hello All,
     That is simply not the case. Here at work I have a dual boot
NT/Linux(RH6.1) machine. There are great howto's around on getting it to
work and it's not that difficult.

Harry Hoffman
Product Systems Specialist
Restaurants Unlimited Inc.
206.634.3082 x. 270

On Wed, 1 Mar 2000, Snarfblat wrote:

> I appologize if this has been mentioned, but lilo will not work with
> NT.  They both seem to want the MBR in an exclusive manner, so you must
> pick one or the other, or find another os manager like System Commander
> (which will play nice with NT).
> If you are having problems with dual boot using lilo and NT there is no
> other workaround except booting from a non HD drive, or using a
> different boot loader.
> -- 
> .oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.
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