On Mon, Feb 21, 2000 at 10:13:05PM +1100, Claudine Chionh wrote:
> Some time in the past, Telsa Gwynne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scripsit, 
> >  I thought the Slackware version jump was
> > done for an excellent reason: I too heard the "Because I'm fed up
> > of being asked why Slackware is behind!" story :)
> But I haven't seen the same question being asked about Debian (hi Dan!) -- 
> is it just because we Debian stalwarts, with our talk of GNU/Linux and 
> political tirades about open source vs free software, are seen as just too 
> weird for the average Linux crowd?

Debian has standards... Hmm.. Lets see Debian really hasn't had that
many versions released... There's 1.3 (bo), then 2.0 (hamm), 2.1
(slink) and now 2.2 (potato).  Most people don't even call them by
their version numbers, but rather their codename.  Part of that is
most developers have a system running the latest and greatest
unstable, and well we enjoy debates on if it's potato or
<british>potato</british>.  Anyways _IF_ woody was announced to be
release as version 8.0 or something, there would be endless flame wars
about it going on Debian-devel...  (would make this list seem small in
comparison).  I don't know why Debian hasn't had pressure to change,
probably because we are all stalwarts.

> now running Woody (Deb 2.3) on my two little boxes

Woody's not necessarily going to be 2.3.

Diclaimer: This email may or may not represent me or debian, so if you
plan on flaming me, be kind.  If you plan on using this in some debian
related story, please don't.

       Dan Nguyen          | It is with true love as it is with ghosts;
    [EMAIL PROTECTED]       | everyone talks of it, but few have seen it.
     [EMAIL PROTECTED]        |               -Maxime De La Rochefoucauld
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