Some time in the past, Telsa Gwynne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scripsit, 

>  I thought the Slackware version jump was
> done for an excellent reason: I too heard the "Because I'm fed up
> of being asked why Slackware is behind!" story :)

But I haven't seen the same question being asked about Debian (hi Dan!) -- 
is it just because we Debian stalwarts, with our talk of GNU/Linux and 
political tirades about open source vs free software, are seen as just too 
weird for the average Linux crowd?

<removes tongue from cheek>

My first Linux system was Slack 3.*.  It was small and I learnt about linux 
the hard way, and refamiliarised myself with shell commands.  Now I have 
a bigger machine and use apt-get because I can't be bothered checking 
dependencies myself <g> -- but I'm glad I do know how to compile a program 
from source, because Slack forced me to.

now running Woody (Deb 2.3) on my two little boxes

Melbourne, Australia      
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