Why you derty, low-down stereotyper you! How dare you imply that blondes are stoopid! My afrikan ancestors take a fence. ;( -T ===== Tania Morell [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.shadow.net/~tania __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. http://im.yahoo.com ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
- [techtalk] Fwd: Blondes??? J B
- Re: [techtalk] Fwd: Blondes??? Linda Walsh
- Re: [techtalk] Fwd: Blondes??? Isn't this a techlist? Janus
- Re: [techtalk] Fwd: Blondes??? Nils Philippsen
- RE: [techtalk] Fwd: Blondes??? Tania Morell
- RE: [techtalk] Fwd: Blondes??? Roehr, Susan N
- RE: [techtalk] Fwd: Blondes??? J B
- Re: [techtalk] Fwd: Blondes??? Tania Morell