Snarfblat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> KU4QD wrote:
> >
> > That isn't the main problem issue.  There are two:  one is that reverse
> > engineering would become illegal.  So... you'd have to rip out your MS Office
> > filters and the like from things like KOffice and Star Office, in effect
> > guaranteeing the MS monopoly.  For Adobe, that means .pdf, a proprietary
> > format, could only be offered by Adobe.  You also couldn't reverse engineer
> > device drivers, so if hardware manufacturers are in bed with MS, the devices
> > just won't work with Linux or anything else.
> > 
> Actually, its the DCMA that prohibits certain reverse engineering.  Like
> reverse engineering CSS.  The DCMA and the UCITA are the fruit of big
> money in politics.  Swaying interpretation and creation of law to suit
> their monetary ends.

Exactly.  I think it depends on whether you view these technologies as
tools that can be owned, or as means of expression.



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