KU4QD wrote:
> That isn't the main problem issue. There are two: one is that reverse
> engineering would become illegal. So... you'd have to rip out your MS Office
> filters and the like from things like KOffice and Star Office, in effect
> guaranteeing the MS monopoly. For Adobe, that means .pdf, a proprietary
> format, could only be offered by Adobe. You also couldn't reverse engineer
> device drivers, so if hardware manufacturers are in bed with MS, the devices
> just won't work with Linux or anything else.
Actually, its the DCMA that prohibits certain reverse engineering. Like
reverse engineering CSS. The DCMA and the UCITA are the fruit of big
money in politics. Swaying interpretation and creation of law to suit
their monetary ends.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://cubicmetercrystal.com/decss/ ;)
"You are the product of a mutational union
of ~640Mbytes of genetic information."
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org