On  0, Harry Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Wendy,
>    I know that IBM put out Domino for Linux but I don't
> know about a simple client. This was a question for me a
> while ago. Work uses Notes, I don't run Win at home. And
> we didn't use ccmail. Basically I was screwed. If your
> Notes admin is kind enough they can forward mail to
> another account. Or you can try using Wine. Again it is
> rumored that some IBM techs have got Notes running on
> WINE. I have had no luck. Pls. let me know if you do.

What I did was to create an agent in Lotus script, and put it on the
server. This agent forwards every Notes mail to the POP server and retain
the Notes copy too. Once the message is received from the POP server, I
pass it through the MDA filters and get the original format back. ( No grphics ).
File attachments remain fine.

The only problem, with such setup is for large Notes files, fetchmail can
easily timeout, before completing the retrieval.

Subba Rao

 => Time is relative. Here is a new way to look at time. <=

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