No. I work at IBM and have really wanted to switch my work machine to
Linux. But since I am required to use Notes, that won't be possible
according to Lotus. Domino (Notes Server) can be used as a client, but
it's overly large and obtuse for sending and receiving e-mail, IMO. There
is a Notes client for AIX and there may exist a client for Solaris, but
I'm not 100% sure. The AIX client was ... minimal ... at best.

On Thu, 3 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Does anyone know if a Lotus Notes client exists on Unix?
> wendy
> ************

Bad Mojo <RPS Figurehead, ThinkPad Pope, SysAdmin>
"When I need to I hit people with the largest weapon I can find: the Earth."


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