>Have you tried other mp3-players for windows? >Like winamp or sonique? >I mean, if they work, then the problem's with linux. >If they don't work, then the problems.. er.. not with linux. >Sunnan *nod* I've used winamp and some other player that I've since forgotten the name of under windows. I may try sonique, but I'm not holding out much hope now... The problem seems to just be with everything except windows media player. It's weird. ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
- [techtalk] MP3's and my laptop Terri Oda
- Re: [techtalk] MP3's and my laptop Jamie Walker
- Re: [techtalk] MP3's and my laptop Laurel Fan
- Re: [techtalk] MP3's and my laptop Steve Kudlak
- Re: [techtalk] MP3's and my laptop Andrew Kirkpatrick
- Re: [techtalk] MP3's and my laptop Marie Fischer
- Re: [techtalk] MP3's and my laptop J B
- Re: [techtalk] MP3's and my laptop Laurel Fan
- Re: [techtalk] MP3's and my laptop Terri Oda
- Re: [techtalk] MP3's and my laptop Sunnanvind
- Re: [techtalk] MP3's and my lapto... Terri Oda
- Re: [techtalk] MP3's and my l... Michael Carson
- Re: [techtalk] MP3's and my laptop Laurel Fan