Excerpts from linuxchix: 24-Jan-100 Re: [techtalk] MP3's and my.. by "J
> Why do you say Celerons suck?  

Let me rephrase this.  the Covingtons suck a lot.  Mendocino with
on-chip cache suck a little.

> In side by side comparisons, the
> end user can only tell a difference between Celeron and Pentium
> II/III machines in FPU intensive applications.  

mp3 decoding can be FPU-intensive, and usually is, unless your decoding
software is optimized against it.

> And even then, the difference is not extreme.  MP3 
> decoding is more dependent on the decoder you use than it is in your 
> processor.  

THere's a good point... seeif you can find a sceleorn optimized decoded

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